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2nd International Meet on Advanced Studies on Cell Signaling Network (CeSiN 2014)

Group snap at CESIN 2012

Cultural programme at Cesin 2012

Group snap at CESIN 2012
The conference will highlight some of the promising research topics:
i) Origin and evolution of cell signaling ( prokaryote, plant, eukaryote, mitochondria, membrane, signalosome)
ii) Analysis of cell signaling (imaging, mass-spectrometry, enzymology, omics -biology, epigenetic and post-translational modification)
iii) Signaling network in medicine and personalized medicine and
iv) Modeling of signal transduction network (in silico, mathematical application, system biology).Translational signalosome and current status of signal transduction in drug discovery and disease diagnosis will also be focused.
Poster and oral presenattions can be delivered for the following topics:
Metabolism & Nutrition
Clinical & Analytical Biochemistry
Lipids, Membrane & Bioenergetics
Enzymes & Other Biocatalysts
Structural Biology
Gene Expression
Genomics & Genome Diversity
Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Allergy & Immunology
Plant Physiology & Biochemistry
Developmental Biology
Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology
Neurobiology & Neurochemistry
Biotechnology & Bioengineering
Genetic Disorders & Cancer Biology
Cell Biology & Cell Signaling
Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics
Environmental Biology
Agricultural Biochemistry
To download the tentative programme schedule and the absract book, please click the link:
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