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2nd International Meet on Advanced Studies on Cell Signaling Network (CeSiN 2014)

Group snap at CESIN 2012

Cultural programme at Cesin 2012

Group snap at CESIN 2012
Original research papers are invited for oral / poster presentations in the conference.
Authors are invited to send the abstract, in about 300 words in "MS- Word" and "PDF" format. The font should be "Times New Roman" and the font size should be "12". The abstract should include the scope and significance of the research findings, key words (six), methodology and conclusions as separate sub-headings. It should be in such a form that abstracting periodicals can use it without modifications. The abstract should have the Title, Name(s) of author(s) and full address for correspondance including the Name(s) of Department(s), Institution(s), Telephone no., Email address, Fax no. etc. A soft copy (in "MS- Word" and "PDF" format) of the abstract should be sent to on or before 20th Nov, 2014.
On acceptance of the abstract, authors are encouraged to send two hardcopies of the abstract along with one hardcopy of the duly filled in registration form along with the requisite fees according to the instructions provided under the “Registration” link.
Authors are requested to send the abstract of the poster in the prescribed format (mentioned above) to on or before 20th Nov, 2014 . On acceptance of the abstract, authors are requested to send duly filled in registration form along with the requisite fees according to the instructions provided under the “Registration” link. Authors are encouraged to bring the poster (4' x 2.5') on the first day of the symposium (December 13, 2014).
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